Set in a seedy Oklahoma City motel room, the play centers on the meeting between Agnes, a divorced waitress with a fondness for cocaine and isolation, and Peter, a soft-spoken Gulf War drifter introduced to her by her lesbian friend, R.C. Agnes stays at a hotel in hopes of avoiding her physically abusive ex-husband, Jerry, who was just released from prison. At first, she lets Peter sleep platonically on her floor, but not long after she promotes him to the bed. Matters become more complicated as Jerry eagerly returns to the woman he loves to beat her up, expecting to resume their relationship. On top of that, there’s a hidden bug infestation problem that has both Agnes and Peter dealing with scathing welts and festering sores—which has Peter believing this is the result of experiments conducted on him during his stay at an army hospital. Their fears soon escalate to paranoia, conspiracy theories and twisted psychological motives.
Arkansas State Premiere – Selected to be performed at the Region VI KC/ACTF 2016. I Directed & Designed the Scenery & Costumes. Winner of Directors’ Choice award, Respondents’ Choice Award, Excellence in Scenic Design, Excellence in Costume Design, and several other design & performance awards.This production was one of only 5 shows selected out of hundreds entered in the region. We were also the only show from the state of Arkansas selected. At the regional festival, the lead actress was selected as one of the top 5 best performers in the nation.
Arkansas State Premiere Production, by Tracy Letts